Egyptian Mau – Standard of Points

The Standard of Points describes the features of the perfect cat of a particular breed – in our case, the Egyptian Mau – and is the basis against which a cat or kitten is assessed and judged at shows.

The Egyptian Mau is an elegant cat of moderate, foreign type characterised by a random spotted pattern seen both in tabby and smoke colours, and a unique ‘worried’ look. This facial expression is generated by large, gooseberry-green eyes set beneath a level brow and on either side of the parallel lines of the nose. The Mau is an active, well balanced, medium-sized cat with a strength and hard muscular feel that belie its graceful build. Males tend to be larger than females.

Correct head type accounts for 25% of overall weighting

The head forms a slightly rounded wedge without flat planes and of medium length. Not full-cheeked but allowance should be made for jowls in adult males. Profile shows a gentle contour with a slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead which flows back into the arched neck without a break.


A slightly rounded wedge without flat planes and of medium length. Not full-cheeked, but allowance should be made for jowls in adult males. Profile shows a gentle contour with a slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which flows back into the arched neck without a break. Entire length of nose of uniform width when viewed from the front. The muzzle should flow into the contours of the head, it should be gently rounded, neither square and boxy nor pointed. The chin should be firm with a level bite.


Medium to moderately large. Broad at the base and moderately pointed, slightly flared with ample width between them. Set well back on the head, but cupped forward and alert. From a front view, the line of the ears should continue the planes of the head. Hair on the ears should be short and close lying. May be tufted.


Large and shaped like rounded almonds. Set straight in the head beneath a level brow with a slight upward slant to the lower lid only.


Medium long and graceful, showing well-developed strength and having a hard, muscular feel. Shoulder blades high and prominent. Allowance to be made for muscular necks and shoulders in adult males. A loose skin flap extends from the flank to the knee of each hind leg.

Legs and Feet

Elegant and in proportion to body, with medium boning. Hind legs proportionately longer, giving the appearance of being on tip-toe when standing upright. Feet small and dainty, almost round in shape.


Medium length, moderately thick at the base and tapering slightly.


Hair is of medium length, close-lying with a lustrous sheen. In the silver and bronze colours, the hair is dense and resilient in texture and accommodates two or more bands of ticking separated by lighter bands. In the smoke colour, the hair is silky and fine in texture.

Pattern Description for all Egyptian Mau Colours including smoke

Head Markings

Forehead barred with characteristic ‘M’ and frown marks. A complex ‘scarab’ design is seen on the top of the head, behind which lines extend backward between the ears and continue down the back of the neck, ideally breaking into elongated spots along the spine. The cheeks are barred with ‘mascara’ lines: the first starts at the outer corner of the eye and continues along the contour of the cheek, and the second starts at the centre of the cheek and curves upwards, almost meeting the first below the base of the ear.

Body Markings

Markings on the torso are to be randomly spotted with variance in size and shape. The spots can be large or small, round, oblong, or of irregular shape. Any of these are of equal merit but the spots, however shaped or of whatever size, shall be distinct, with good contrast between pale ground colour and deeper markings. Spotting pattern on each side of the torso need not match. Underside of the body spotted. As the spinal lines/elongated spots reach the rear haunches, they merge together to form a dorsal stripe which continues along the top of the tail to its tip. On the upper chest there are one or more broken necklaces. The shoulder markings are a transition between stripes and spots.

Leg Markings

The front legs are heavily barred and/or spotted and do not necessarily match. Haunches and upper hind legs to be a transition between stripes and spots, breaking into bars on the lower leg.

Tail Markings

The tail is heavily banded and has a dark tip.

Colour Description

Eye Colour

Light green, ‘gooseberry green’. Amber cast is acceptable only in kittens.

Silver (MAU ns 24)

Pale silver ground colour across the head, shoulders, outer legs, back and tail. Underside fades to a brilliant pale, silvery white. All markings black or charcoal grey with pale silver roots, showing good contrast against the ground colour. Back of ears greyish-pink, tipped in black. Inner ear should be a delicate, almost transparent, shell pink. Upper throat area, chin and around nostrils, pale clear silver appearing silvery white. Nose, lips and eyes outlined in black. Nose leather brick red. Paw pads black with black hair between the toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs.

Bronze (MAU n 24)

Warm coppery brown ground colour across head, shoulders outer legs, back and tail. Underside fades to a paler tone. All markings dark brown/black with paler roots, showing good contrast against the ground colour. Back of ears tawny-pink, tipped in dark brown/black. Inner ear should be a delicate, almost transparent, shell pink. Upper throat area, chin and around nostrils, pale ivory. Nose, lips and eyes outlined in dark brown with bridge of nose brown. Nose leather brick red. Paw pads black or dark brown with same colour hair between the toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs.

Smoke (MAU ns)

Ground colour across the head, shoulders, outer legs, back, tail and underside consists of pale silver undercoat tipped with black. All markings jet black with silvery white or pale silver roots. There should be sufficient contrast against the ground colour for the pattern to be plainly visible. Upper throat area, chin and around nostrils lighter in colour. Nose, lips and eyes outlined in jet black. Nose leather black. Paw pads black with black hair between the toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs.

Scale of Points

Type (45)

Head and Neck……………………………………………………………10



Eye Shape and Setting…………………………………………………..5


Legs and Paws…………………………………………………………….5


Coat, Colour and Pattern (55)


Coat Colour………………………………………………………………15

Eye Colour……………………………………………………………….10

Coat Texture and Length……………………………………………….5

Withhold all Awards for:

1. Extremely aggressive temperament.

2. White markings anywhere, other than those referred to in the colour description.

3. Lack of spots

Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten and Open Classes for:

1. Cobby or Oriental type.

2. Poor spotting and/or extensive pattern flaws.

3. Extensive brown tarnish (i.e. extending beyond the area of the muzzle) in a silver, or cold, grey tone to the ground colour in a bronze, or insufficient contrast between the ground colour and the jet black markings in a smoke.

4. Amber cast to the eyes in adults.

5. Three or more faults from the list below.

6. Any defect listed in the preface to the SOP booklet.


The presence of any of these faults should be taken into account when judging a Mau, however one or two minor faults in an otherwise excellent cat should not be too heavily penalised.

1. Small ears.

2. Oriental eye set.

3. Lines of nose diverge when viewed from the front.

4. Prominent whisker pinch.

5. Muzzle square or pointed.

6. Weak chin.

7. Unbroken vertical stripes on the body, or stripes on the underside.

8. Unbroken necklaces.

9. Poor contrast between spots and ground colour.

10. Visible tarnish in a silver or lack of warmth in a bronze, or black locket on a smoke.